Monday, February 13, 2012


Misconceptions about exercise can sabotage your efforts to get in shape. Here are some common myths-and the facts.

THE MYTH-Your routine isn’t working if you’re not losing weight.
Do yourself a favor and pay less attention to the scale. “Exercise alone can cut your body fat and alter your body’s composition, which is most important for improving health. But it has a small impact on actual weight loss over the short-term---5 pounds or less a year” says Carol Ewing Garber, PH.D., an associate professor of movement sciences. While wanting to look good is a reasonable goal, exercise also provides numerous health benefits, including a lower risk of heart disease and stroke. If you want to shed pounds in addition to getting in shape, try cutting calories while you step up your workouts.

THE MYTH-A pedometer is all you need to track your exercise.
Pedometers are an excellent way to monitor overall daily activity and help keep you motivated. But counting steps isn’t a reliable way to measure exercise intensity or quality. It’s better to use a heart-rate monitor to track intensity, and aim for a target heart rate for a set number of minutes rather than a certain number steps.

THE MYTH-You don’t have to lift weights if you don’t want to bulk up.
Actually, strength training is critical for older adults to help prevent age-related bone and muscle loss, both of which can lead to falls and other serious injuries. Strengthening your muscles also decreases your body-fat percentage and increases the rate at which your body burns calories, which can help with weight management. Women in particular should not worry that they’ll pack on too much muscle mass by lifting weights because they have relatively low levels of the male hormone testosterone, which affects muscle growth.

THE MYTH-As long as you get regular exercise, it is fine to be a couch potato at other times.
Research has found that sitting for long periods of time actually causes a slight increase in the risk of several diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and possibly cancer—even among people who meet recommended levels of daily exercise. Find ways to spend less time sitting. A useful goal is to replace 6 to 7 hours a week of sitting time with something you do on your feet, whether it’s walking, playing a sport, or just puttering around your home of office. And try to cut your evening screen time.

THE MYTH-You can lose weight from specific parts of your body.
There’s no such thing as “spot reduction”. The calories you expend during exercise help you burn fat from your entire body, including whichever areas you’re targeting, says Jessica Matthews, M.S., an exercise physiologist with the American council on exercise. What’s more, concentrating your exercise on a specific body part can actually limit the benefits of training, since other muscle groups might be neglected.

THE MYTH-You should stretch before a workout to avoid injuries.
Researchers have discovered that’s not the case, In terms of increasing flexibility, you muscles will benefit more from stretching when they’re warm, after you workout. Stretching cold muscles could actually injure them. And stretching before certain high impact sports, such as basketball, might even temporarily reduce muscle power, Garber says.

THE MYTH-It is better to have a sports drink than plan water during exercise.
A sport drink is only necessary when you’ve lost a substantial amount of sodium and other electrolytes through sweating or you need extra carbohydrates to burn for energy. “For most people you engage in a moderate-intensity workout of up to an hour, water should be all that’s needed, “ Matthew says, Aim to drink 17 to 20 ounces during the 2 to 3 hours before a demanding workout and another 7 to 10 ounces every 15 minutes while exercising. Continue to rehydrate with plain water afterwards.

THE MYTH-Exercising before bedtime with help you sleep better.
Sleep experts do not recommend working out close to bedtime, even up to three to four hours before. Exercise has a stimulating effect and elevates body temperature, both of which can make it difficult to sleep.  But the corresponding fall in temperature 5 to 6 hours after exercise actually makes it easier. So aim for a workout earlier in the day if you have trouble sleeping.

THE MYTH-Calorie counters on exercise machines are accurate.
Don’t count on it, especially when the machine does not ask you for your weight, height, and gender. According to the American Council on Exercise, manufacturers use formulas to account for intensity and duration. If you want to make sure you’re using the most up-to-date formula, call the manufacturer to see if someone can walk you through an upgrade over the phone. Experts suggest trying to burn 1000 calories a week through exercise, though less than that can still have benefits. Any exercise is better than none.